September 30, 2024

Tips for Staying Healthy in the City

We all know how hard it is, summer fades away and fall creeps up as your trying to get into the swing of things. Before you know it, with school or daycare or commuting to and from work comes those first signs of a cold. While we can’t promise you and your kiddo will never get a cold or virus this season we can remind you of some practical tips for staying healthy in the city!

Handwashing and Sanitization:

  •    Encourage thorough handwashing, especially after using public transportation.
  •    Provide hand sanitizer for use after touching surfaces in subway stations, trains, or buses.


Healthy Eating and Hydration:

  •    Pack nutritious snacks and water for commutes to maintain energy and hydration.
  •    Avoid eating on the subway or buses where surfaces may be contaminated.


Adequate Sleep:

  •    Factor in commute times when setting bedtimes to ensure kids get enough rest.
  •    Consider allowing kids to nap on trains or buses if safe and possible for long commutes.



  •  Stay up-to-date on vaccinations, including those that protect against airborne illnesses common in crowded spaces.


Respiratory Hygiene:

  •    Teach kids to cover coughs and sneezes, especially in confined spaces like subways or cabs.
  •    Consider using masks during flu season or in crowded transport situations.


Staying Home When Sick:

  •    Keep sick kids at home to avoid spreading illnesses on public transportation.
  •    Have a backup transportation plan for when your usual method isn’t suitable due to illness.


  •    Encourage active transportation like walking, biking, or scootering for shorter distances when weather permits.
  •    Use bike lanes and protected paths where available for safer cycling.

Clean Your Surroundings When Feasible: 

  •    Teach kids to avoid touching surfaces unnecessarily on public transport.
  •    Wipe down surfaces in cabs or ride-shares before use if possible.


Weather-Appropriate Clothes: 

  •    Layer clothing for temperature changes between outdoors and subway stations or buses.
  •    Keep rain gear handy for unexpected weather shifts during commutes.
  •    Wash gloves, hats, coats, and backpacks over school breaks to rid them of germs.

Stress Management:

  •     Plan commutes to allow extra time, reducing stress from rushing or delays.
  •     Use commute time for relaxation or bonding, like reading or quiet games.


Elevator etiquette:

  •     Advise kids to avoid overcrowded elevators and to face away from others when possible.
  •     Teach them to use elbows or knuckles to press buttons in elevators.


Subway, Bus, Train & Escalator Hygiene:

  •     Show kids how to minimize contact with poles and seats on the subway.
  •     Please encourage them to wash their hands or use sanitizer after exiting stations.


Rideshare Safety:

  •     If using Uber or cabs, teach kids to open windows for better ventilation.
  •     Remind them not to share rides with strangers unless accompanied by a trusted adult.

Bike and Scooter Sharing:

  •     If using shared bikes or scooters, bring wipes to clean handlebars before use.

  •     Teach proper hygiene after using shared transportation services.


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