FAQ’s with MVP: Our Standard Office Fees
All are Welcome Here
In recent months many pediatric practices have started charging annual fees to families
in their practice. These fees are meant to cover the extra work pediatricians do outside of
business hours; phone calls, portal messages, and forms are all time-consuming and add an
extra layer of work on top of the day-to-day visits and chart completion. Due to the increasingly
common nature of these fees, we have had multiple inquiries from families in our practice about
whether MVP plans on instating an annual fee.
The short answer is–NO
MVP has no plans to start charging an annual fee to our
families. There are many reasons behind this decision, but most importantly we value caring for
families of all socioeconomic classes. We accept almost every insurance, including multiple
Medicaid and exchange plans. It is impossible for us to charge a fee without breaching
insurance contracts with Medicaid plans. So, please, be assured there are no annual fees in
MVP’s future.
Explanation of MVP’s Office Fees
All the fees we charge are listed below, as well as in the registration paperwork you receive when registering for the practice:
1. Form Fee: $10 for forms requested outside of the well visit
2. Expedited Form Fee: $25 for a form needed within 48 hours
3. No Show Fee: $50 if you cancel < 24 hours before or no show for a well visit
(valid for non-Medicaid health plans)
We hope you understand that our fees are in place to cover the extra work and time
needed to complete forms in addition to the day-to-day operations of our office. The No Show
Fee is in place to discourage families from missing appointments, resulting in delayed well visits
and empty spots in our schedule. If, for any reason, these fees are financially prohibitive for your
family, please let our front office know, and we will figure out a mutually agreeable solution.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions about MVP’s fees.